Having trouble finding sponsors?

We will make your sponsors happy! How do we do it? All design solutions for graphics, shirts and banners will be custom made so all of your sponsors will be presented as noticeably as possible. In a creation process, our designers are very considerate of the sponsors’ logo shape, size, and color, to make sure it will stand out and does not fade into the design.

With us, you can save money! How so? We create the unique design for shirts, graphics, tents, banners etc. This means you only pay once for the whole design concept and save money. There is no need to order from different companies and pay each time for the design.

With our design solution and samples, you will be able to show your sponsors what they will get for their money and where and how they will be presented. For more information please contact us and we will work out the best solution for your needs.


New and easy to fill in MX sponsorship form made by Crostic helps you to find sponsors in no time. It will present you more professionally, crating a clear understanding for the sponsors how they will benefit from supporting you.Simply download the Crostic MX sponsorship form, fill in the blanks and send it personally to your potential contributors.

Next step, when you have received positive feedback from your sponsors, contact us @ Crostic again. Our designers can start producing the design for all your mx products (mx stickers, mx shirts, mx flags etc). Just before the production you can present the final design of your mx products to your contributors to make sure everything is correct.
